How to Cheat at Solitaire & Freecell

Wanna give yourself a definitely overall champ in Solitaire & Freecell?

Don't waste your endeavour energy to win this game. All you have to do is cheat;p!

Solitaire cheat

1. Open Solitaire.
2. Go to "Game" and then "Options," and choose to draw three cards.
3. Anytime during gameplay, if you hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift while you click the deck you will draw one card, rather than three. High scores will be yours every time!

Freecell cheat

1. When you get stuck in Freecell, hold down Ctrl+Shift+F10.
2. When the User-Friendly Interface appears, choose Abort.
3. Make any move and you will automatically win the game!

via G4TV's TechTV Vault

This is rather a self-satisfyin' task. Sometimes cheatin' is good when you one to have easy victory during a bad day.

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