The Impact Of Blogging !!!

After spending years of reading people's blog, i'm able to summarize few things:

  1. Most bloggers prefer using abbreviatives in their posts - i.e common short forms including coz = cause, l8 = late, r = are.
  2. There are many types of blogs : a. Some are like diaries to them - some like to let everyone knows their routines or even their luxurious and flamboyant lifestyles. b. Some are very informative in terms of knowing which suitable places to eat, which nice party & gigs to attend; which nice dress and gadgets to buy. Some people just couldn't get enough of it. c. Some blogs are nice to have instant pleasure in the office - or 'cubicle', that provides clickable links to access to play click-and-play games. Very good when you wanna release stress or save yourself from boredom. d. Some blogs are quite rebellious. Some rebels are just being mean on some certain aspects. Most of them likes to express their anger remarks on political & social issues that usually created fuss and fight regardless big or small matters. Some preferred to be referred as 'the bad ones' as mentioned in their personal profile. It's possible to find futurist in this category.
  3. Those swear words or explicit words are commonly moderated into decent ones that acceptable for all levels of the internet community. I.e. the common four letter word 'Fark' has been frequently used by local bloggers. "Pin-yin"or "direct-pronunciation" of explicit words from other dialects or language such as "Pu-Nia-Bu" as in Hokkien, "Tiu" as in Cantonese are widely used by Chinese and non-chinese bloggers.
  4. Blogs are informative when it comes to technical issues. Some teaches you 101 steps to become rich; How to take pics of yourself; Learn to pick up women by learning some pick-up lines; or How to engage foreplay with your partner & etc. All of these technical stuffs that you can't learn in school. These are some sort of 'extra-curricular' studies you can get in blogs. Recently I just found out there's a chess blog in this country.
  5. There are some serious pro-bloggers out there. Some earn millions, some earn less thousands. Whatever tha figure is, they are darn good. REALLY do admire them. Some filrts around just to blog for money. Some are already married and blog for money. Others are just willing to blog anything stupid for money. Some of them blog about their hobbies for money. Root of the blog is - MONEY! This is how it produces excellent bloggers. No offense!
This is only my personal P.O.V. Whenever this happened to be true or not, just keep bloggin. Happy Bloogginn!!!

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